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UK Property for Passive Investors

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5 reasons why property investment is better than “paper” investments.

  1. Lower Risk Paper investments such as stocks & shares, bonds, funds, commodities and others, carry much more risk than simple savings. Just read the small print supplied with each investment. Property is much less risky, especially if you have no borrowing or mortgage on it.
  2. 100% Ownership
    You own the properties 100% outright. The properties we sell are freehold houses where you own the land as well as the house.
  3. Secure Tangible Asset Property is not “virtual” like paper investments and is a physical, secure, tangible asset, which you still have – even if the financial world collapses.
  4. Can Leverage Later You can use property as collateral to get a loan – as and when needed, or leverage it to get a mortgage, to acquire more property. These options gives you more flexibility and can be done later when interest rates may be lower.
  5. Better Long-term Returns Property provides more stable long-term returns. On average, good UK property can deliver net rental income after all costs of 6% per year PLUS average capital growth over long-term of over 7%. Your total annual returns are over 13% each year, on average, over the long-term.

5 reasons why our PassiveInvest Property Investment is better than “normal” property investment

  1. 100% Passive You own the property fully but are not involved at all. The purchase, ownership and resale processes can all be done remotely due to the processes and contractual guarantees that are in place – designed for remote, 100% passive owners.
  2. Guaranteed Income – No Rental Risks
    With other property you have to find a suitable tenant, collect rent, and ensure property is not vacant. With our properties this is NOT the case. We are your tenants from day one of purchase, and we pay a guaranteed rent that is always payable to you no matter what happens with our tenant.
  3. No Costs – No Property Risks With other properties you, the owner, are liable for all repairs, re-renovation costs, maintenance, bills or other issues with the property. With our properties this is NOT the case. We pay ALL costs relating to the property for as long as you remain a client and your property is contractually guaranteed- so you have no property risks.
  4. No Liabilities With other properties you, the owner, are the Landlord and liable for all legal responsibilities to the tenant and responsible for ensuring a safe, compliant property of good standard. With our properties this is NOT the case. With your permission, we become the Landlord whilst you remain the passive owner. We are liable for all tenant, property and safety issues. The tenancy agreement is between us and the tenant. The owner is not involved.
  5. Easy Exit It’s a great long-term investment as property continues to grow, give guaranteed rental income, and you have no costs or headaches. However, if you do wish to exit, we will offer to buy it back at the FULL prevailing market price. This can be completed within 4 to 6 weeks – much faster than with other properties, and even faster than many “paper” investments.

8 Type of Houses

We have 8 types of property packages from 2-bed house for under £70,000 to large 3-bed semi-detached houses with gardens and drives for under £115,000. All fully renovated, rented out and guaranteed. See summary of our range below, and further details on the home page.

PassiveInvest Packages - based on 8 types of houses